Videos and Resources

About Videos and Resources

This module contains videos and downloadable resources to help you build a healthy, happy practice.

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Module Content

Videos and Resources


This module contains videos and downloadable resources to help you build a healthy, happy practice.

Much of handling conflict is about having a happy, high-functioning practice that communicates well and keeps its focus on the patients and clients. When people are not getting along it directly affects performance and focus. We can’t become a high performing team delivering excellent care and service if we can’t resolve conflicts on our team.

When gossip happens in a practice it gets in our way and we aren’t able to do our best work. Instead, we find ourselves getting pulled into problems and dealing with challenges we didn’t want or ask for. These issues can begin to dominate our time and prevent us from focusing on service to our clients or care for the pets.

When the stress level on your team and in your practice is lower you're in a better position to make progress toward your vision.

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